Parent's Wish

BEP-I Parent Testimonials

The major differences we have noticed

BEP04002 BEP04003
BEP04004 BEP04005
BEP04006 BEP04007
BEP04008 BEP04009
BEP04010 BEP04011
BEP04012 BEP04013

Challenges from Miracles by: J.S. Tarng

Treatment comments:
BEP02002 BEP04001

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. overall improved mood (happier)
  2. able to make up longer stories when asked (imagination)
  3. longer sentence length

William Partridge:

  1. He does not engage in any disruptive behavior
  2. He has increased his ability to ask"What" and"Where" questions
  3. He now shows a greater ability to share with his peers and ask his peers for an item

Parents commends

  1. increased his attention spin.
  2. He is more mature.
  3. More language

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. Overall he improved mood (happier)
  2. increased work tolerance
  3. improved ability to complete independent tasks (work and self help)

William Partridge:

  1. He has less difficulty with changes
  2. He seems more aware of people and his surroundings
  3. He no longer wets his pants during the day

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. overall he improved reading comprehension
  2. slightly less perseverations
  3. asking more appropriate questions

William Partridge:

  1. She presents an increase in hyperactivity and anxiety
  2. She has increased her ability to remember a sequence of numbers
  3. She has increased self-stimulatory behavior

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. improved overall mood (happier)
  2. more spontaneous speech
  3. more aware of people in her environment

William Partridge:

  1. She has less difficulty with changes
  2. She will ask peers more often for items
  3. She is more willing to share with others

Parents commends

  1. She has increased her energy level

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. increased sentence length (using more verbs)
  2. more aware of his environment (people and objects)
  3. able to focus for longer periods of time

William Partridge:

  1. He has increased his ability to spontaneously request
  2. He shows a greater willingness to play with his peers
  3. He now shows a greater ability to converse with others and to ask his peers for an item

Parents commends

  1. He can learn and memorize better
  2. He can say longer sentences (from single word to 3 - 4 words sentences)
  3. He is aware of surrounding, (imitate and interact with younger children)
  4. He is less picky on the food. (accept more varieties of foods)


William Partridge:

  1. He presents a decrease in hyperactivity
  2. He more often has difficulty with changes
  3. He more often requests things that he wants and has increased the frequency of his requests throughout his day

Parents commends

  1. His eye contact has improved
  2. He seems more aware of his environment

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. initiates interactions with her peers more
  2. pragmatic skills (turn-taking skills) have improved
  3. has expanded her free play choices and interests

William Partridge:

  1. She presents an easier time with changes and understands explanations more readily
  2. She has increased her ability to ask"What","Where" and"Who" questions
  3. She now will ask"When" questions,"How" questions and"Why"

Tiffani Hutchens:
  1. improved ability to focus for longer periods of time
  2. improved ability to stay on a topic
  3. ble to be redirected with fewer prompts than before

William Partridge:

  1. He presents a decrease in hyperactivity
  2. He more often has difficulty with changes
  3. He more often requests things that he wants and has increased the frequency of his requests throughout his day


William Partridge:

  1. He is able to sit quietly for extended periods of time
  2. He has increased his ability to ask for things that he wants
  3. He more often asks others to attend to his actions and also to ask for missing items


William Partridge:

  1. He sometimes asks about things that may occur in the future
  2. He will sometimes initiate social interactions
  3. He will sometimes offer to share

Parents commends

  1. His social language improves from nothing to 3 years old ability
  2. His math comprehension is exiting from old level (4 years stayed the same level) to next level
  3. I can not talk to him like a special child (giving the orders) I have to to talk to him with the reasons like a normal child
  4. His comprehension/language skill exit3rd grade level
  5. He has ability to Start4th grad level


William Partridge:

  1. He has less difficulty with changes
  2. BHe sometimes asks for information using a"What" question
  3. BHe will often talk while playing

Parents commends

  1. More aware of the environment/surroundings
  2. Begin to show imagination during play
  3. BAdvance in gross and fine motor skills


William Partridge:

  1. He will sometimes converse with others
  2. He more often asks for information using a"What" question
  3. He will more often use pronouns

Parents commends

  1. Speech has more logic, more opinion
  2. Has better reasoning skill, New concept can be input in much easier
  3. More social interaction with peers


Parents commends

  1. much healthier and stronger, has more strength to support herself to stand up
  2. more aware of surroundings and start to interact
  3. much fewer frequencies .......
  4. more concentration on seeing people or objects


My experience with Dr. Wang's healing method began with an introduction in 2002. Primary healing was for my youngest son who was 7 at the time. He was diagnosed with severe speech and language delay, and low muscle tone throughout. He had been undergoing Occupational and Speech therapy since 3 years old. Progress was very slow and minimal. Repetition of exercises was high. After undergoing Dr. Wang's healing method for 6 months, I noticed significant increase in response to new learning. He picked up new information more quickly and with less number of repetitions. He began to formulate new ideas on his own. I still needed to exercise his muscles to accommodate the fluency of language but this was done through family activities during the weekend. Occupational therapy was stopped with speech therapy continuing. Previously in the public school system he was tested to participate in the Special Education program and labeled as Mentally Retarded due to his speech ailment. I have been able to keep him in a private school at his grade level while he maintains A/B grades. The English and Math level at this private school are at minimal 1-year advance of the public school system. He excels in Math and is an honor student in the Kumon Math program. He is still lagging in speech and language compared to other children his age but the gap is closing. I'm confident if we had this treatment earlier when he was first diagnosed at 3, we would not be struggling today. The speed of progress I've observed with Dr. Wang's healing method is well in advance of the traditional therapies offered in medicine today.

May continued research and application of Dr. Wang's healing methods bring significant healing to more of our children's population suffering from these neural-based diseases.



A journal from mother of BEP04011 under going Brain Enhancement Program

Because BEP04011 has this amazing improvement, I put him in the intensive treatment program on 10/27/04.

10/27/04 starts intensive program
still have problem in learning new skills.
but can do reference, E.G. have hard time memorize Chinese time until I told him she has the same tone with number 10.
Want to talk during the chimney

After 6 treatments (11/6/04)
He can describe a scene, what he sees on the street, clearly without prompt, and no stuttering. E.G. he said,"David Martines and his parents go to school."
He follows instructions happily without the need of repetition for the instructions.

After 7 treatments (11/7/04)
Memorizing a Chinese poem only took hours instead of 12 hours.
Went to youth group for lunch.

He can horizontally line up with peers without prompt.
He can have conversation without getting his attention and prompts, E.G. In birthday party, he appeared looking for something
Mom: What are you looking for?
BEP04011: Birthday. < keyword answer>
Aunt: Do you want birthday cake:
BEP04011: Yes.
He can describe things he is interested in more depth
* He can answer the questions related these things instead of repeating the story.

Overall for math comprehension
He can do straight calculation questions (can be multiple numbers).
He cannot do questions requiring 2 steps, or choosing several numbers out of multiple numbers.

He answered"who" question.
He asked"when" question.

BEP04011 can recognize the environment, and figure out the shortcut.
When Mom picked up BEP04011 and ready to make a U-turn, BEP04011 touched
Mom's arm and pointed to the straight saying,"Mommy, the shortcut".
Mom:"is going straight a shortcut?"

BEP04011 finished the 1st scenery painting.
(Las Vegas tower - he saw it when he was 10 years old

He can relate the same instance occurred 4 years ago
12/11/04 We got a flat tire. Mom used Call Box to get Dad to change to backup tire.
12/18/04 Mom brought him for Dr. appointment and ran into traffic jam. Mom told him that we would be late for the appointment.
BEP04011 : Call Box to call Dr. for lat appt.
Mom : We cannot use Call Box for late Dr. appt.
BEP04011 : Long time ago, you call Call Box for late Dr. appt.

Mom : I got a severe lesson not to use Call Box for late Dr. appt. Remember, I had to go to has station to call Dr. for late appointment?

BEP04011 asked a police office,"Where is your office?"
Answer : ...... Man Street
Mom : He visited it there last year.
BEP04011 : Mrs. Beth M... brought us.

He asked,"Is serpent real?"
Mom : Where do you see the serpent?"
BEP04011 : Discovery Channel
Mom : It must be real. (Wow, he knows where he saw it.)
In martial art class.
  • He understands 3 steps of oral instructions. (simple)
  • For more complicated 3 steps of oral instructions, he only made one mistake.
  • BEP04011 made a mistake in technique.

Mom did the technique correct way without talking
Asked BEP04011 do again and he repeated the same mistake.
Mom :"You forgot what I just did?"
BEP04011 re-did and did correctly. (Wow, he recalled what Mom did!)

BEP04011 can be considerate about his sister's feeling
The big brother took Xmas tree out of attic, BEP04011 stood next to the big brother to see how he set up the Xmas tree base, and Sister tried to take the tree out of box and failed because Sister was not stronger enough. Mom asked BEP04011 to help her. Both of them worked on the problem, and Sister got it stucked. BEP04011 fixed it. The big brother lost patience, and asked Sister not to touch the tree. BEP04011 said,"She can get the small tree, I get big tree."

In martial Art class, he automatically line up to the next person who as in the incorrect line-up position.
Mom :"you had better line up to the correct position."
BEP04011 : How about him"
Mom :"He will find out his mistake and correct it."
BEP04011 followed Mom's correction, and always lined up to the correct position regardless the person net to him.

He knows how to work around the problem
Mom always asked BEP04011 to go to bed before 11 pm during winter vacation.
He waited Mom sleep and got up to watch TV/movies.
(Dad went fishing and back around 3 am and found him out.)

BEP04011 helped his sister clean up the mess all by himself.
Sister broke a Xmas glass ball, and was scared. BEP04011 heard the noise, and came to say"Sister break the ball." Sister tried to clean up the mess. Mom said,"Get the vacuum cleaner to clean it up." BEP04011 went to get the vacuum cleaner to help Sister to clean it up all by himself.

BEP04011 went to BEP treatment place, and said hi without prompt.

BEP04011 told Mom,"Nice pajama","Nice red pajama"

Big brother,"What's UPS stand for?"
BEP04011 :"Box delivery < immediate answer>

BEP04011 showed a picture,"bee is making wax." which he asked several years ago.
BEP04011:"What's bee, was

1/2/05 (Sun)
Mom's yelling caused BEP04011 stress.
BEP04011 forgot how to do fraction division. After 10 problems, Mom yelled at him.
BEP04011 kept crying for 2 hours and refused to eat lunch. He went to take a nap for 3 hours.
BEP04011 cleaned up the Xmas tree needles after the Xmas trees was packed all by himself.

1/3/05 (Mon)
BEP04011 had been sad since Mom's yelling until the treatment was done.
When Mom picked up BEP04011 and ready to make U-turn, BEP04011 said,"Shortcut", and reminded Mom to go the shortcut.
BEP04011 seemed digressing in social skill and lack of confidence due to the Mom's scoding from 12:50pm of the previous day.

1/4/2005 (Tue)
Now BEP04011 is back happy mode. Mom is trying to control herself to treat him like his big brother.
Mom asked BEP04011 to do reading homework.
BEP04011:"Eat dinner. Tomorrow, car" (He want to eat dinner, and do reading tomorrow in the car.)

1/5/2005 (Wed)
BEP04011 has been refusing to go the children martial arts class for a month since the treatment. BEP04011 did not give any reason.

BEP04011 recognizes his belongings and accepts"share" concept.
BEP04011 sat on sofa watching TV while Brother and dad were standing.
BEP04011 :"He wear my pants."
Brother:"This is my pants!"
BEP04011:"Daddy wears my pants!"
Dad:"You wore my pants before."
BEP04011 got a long face - not happy at all.
Dad :"Share!"
BEP04011 face showed calm down.

BEP04011's case worker, Ms. C. S, visited BEP04011
Ms. C.:"How did you get home?" ?Did you take bus?......."
BEP04011 :"I walk""take bus home"

Ms. C. :"He is not the same as before. The treatment works. Keep working!"

1/9/2005 (Sun)
Mom asked BEP04011 and Sister to do 2 pages of homework.
(BEP04011 needed to do comprehension math homework and Sister needed to do mental math homework.)
BEP04011 grouchily finished 2 pages of work, and planned to leave.
Mom: You cannot leave yet. You have not finished your 2 pages of homework.
BEP04011: I finish 2 pages.
Mom: You have to finish correction too.
BEP04011: No!
Mom: Look at Sister. She has to finish correction too before she can leave.
BEP04011 more grouchily did correction.
BEP04011: I want to move out like Brother.
Mom: Brother never moved out. What are you talking about?"
BEP04011: Long time ago, Brother moved out to his friends house.
Mom called Brother out, and asked him,"Brother, did you move out before?"
Brother,"I never moved out, I will move out when I leave home for college."
BEP04011 looked much subdued and finished correction.

BEp04011 finished 2 pages math comprehension homework without complaints.
We got an automatic all,"You child was absent from school today,"
Mom asked Sister the BEP04011"Were you absent from school today?"
Both of them replied,"No."

Mom called BEp04011 school and found out that BEP04011 did not go to home room yesterday.
Mom:"BEP04011, your school said: you did not go to home room yesterday."
"What's happen you did not go to home room yesterday?"
BEP04011:"I was in Main office - Student Service. I have IEP test."

Before 12/28/2004 BEP0401 seemed struggling with his thoughts. Although he was more sensitive than before, he was still less sensitive than normal kids. He did not listen to reasons, nor orders until I was yelling on top of my lungs.
After 12/28/2004 BEP04011 has been as sensitive as normal kids. I cannot treat him like a special kid (give order without giving reason). I have to give the reason and using Teacher Wang as a magical wand. If he refuses to do it, he gives a passable reason internal thoughts can be connected together.

1/23/2005 (Sun)
Piano Teacher:"What's this word mean?"
BEP04011 :"I don't know. I have to look up dictionary."
Teacher:"he can have conversation now!!!"

BEP04011 ran toward the restroom without taking a bath
Brother:"BEP04011, take a bathe now!"
BEP04011 :"You take a bathe!"
She saw BEP04011 with huge smile on his face):"You should take a bath, ...."
Mom cut him,"Brother, BEP04011 is making a joke. This is the 1st time he made a joke! You should not scold him."
Brother:"Sorry, I didn't know he is joking. BEP04011, I am sorry to say that.

BEP04011 studies Chinese. He always forget the words.
He made a joke on jihu (means almost) and felt funny about it.

BEP04011 used his fingers to make shadow like an elephant (trunk, mouth, and 2 ivories) He did not do very good because 2 ivory kept stayed up.
1/28/2005 BEP04011 made fun of Mom
The counting fingers - can have a bite on them.
Pretended Mom's leg is raw rice, and then her head is raw rice.

After bath, BEP04011 said,"See a lot of steam?!"
Mom :"What?"
BEP04011 :"See a lot of steam!"
Mom :"Are you a steam bomb?"

Art Contest,"A day in My Life"
BEP04011 agreed to draw the Drum Concert.

Chinese New year Eve
BEP04011"Do we have Kuk Sul Class?"
Mom:" I guess not. Teacher has Chinese New Year celebration too."

When BEP04011 came home, auntie gave him a lot of food. Hence, he did not get rice for his dinner.

Friendly Uncle in Church said,"BEP04011"
BEP04011 raised his head to look at him, and then lower his head again.
Uncle:"What are you doing?"
BEP04011:"I do nothing."

BEP04011:"Who turn on internet?"
Mom:"I did. I feel sick. I need to send email to tell them I am sick."
5 minutes later
BEP04011:"Who bring me to doctor?"
Mom:"I might postpone doctor appointment."
5 minutes later
BEP04011:"Do I have doctor appointment or I take bus home?"
Mom:"I will pick you up."

After Sister gave BEP04011 lessons about manners.
BEP04011:"Long time ago, Sister burned the tissue."

Overall Evaluation:
His social language improves from nothing to 3 years old ability.
His comprehension/language skill exit 3rd grade level. He has ability to start 4th grade level.
His math comprehension is exiting from old level (4 years stayed the same level) to next level.
I can not talk to him like a special child (giving the orders). I have to talk to him with the reasons like a normal child.


Challenges from Miracles

By JS Tarng 5/20/05

My 17 year old (BEP04011)autistic son started skill therapy 12/1998 and began diet therapy10/2000. Working full time and maintaining these sessions was extremely stressful because the sessions were continuous and required me to be sure I did all that needed to be done. I could make no mistake or forget anything. Subsequently there was no possibility of a break. No time at all for me to relax or rest.

For example:

  • My son has bad allergies triggered by certain foods and by the environment. If I forget to follow through on the diet therapy (enzyme) and allergy shots, he becomes irritated about two hours after a meal and all communication with him stops. He just shuts down and does not recover until the diet therapy is back on track.
  • If I fail to follow through on his skill therapy, any progress he had made fades away after only a week.

His social skills are poor. His comprehension and speech ability has stayed at the 5 year old level for four years, since 2000. I had drained my brain and could not figure out or find any method to improve his abilities. For his part, he tried very hard but made little progress and was extremely frustrated with his lack of ability. I realized there was no way for him to get out of autism unless there was some sort of dramatic improvement of his brain power.

Then, thanks to mother of BEP04009 case, something did happen. She told me about the BEP program in April, 2004. It seems the BEP can improve brain function and is exactly the miracle I had been looking for. On 7/14/2004, my son, whose brain function is low, started the BEP maintenance program. After only two sessions of BEP I was very surprised and extremely happy that he no longer needed to continue the diet therapy he was on. This means he can eat anything and go any place without having allergy problems. Besides the cure of allergies he has started to show amazing improvement in his skills. These were the dramatic changes I had been praying for:

  • Expresses himself using more than one sentence and needs no prompting.
  • Accepts the reasons why a situation may suddenly change and not nag me to death about it.
  • Listens to the talking tapes and reads his comic books.
  • Observes other children with interest instead of indifference.
  • Does not get unreasonably mad.
  • Accepts numerous corrections and works until he perfects the instructor's lessons, all the while he holding his temper.
  • Thought it was funny when a boy inadvertently went to the girl's rest room. He recognized the humor.
  • Expresses himself well instead of saying nothing when someone might suddenly ask him questions. (After 2 months treatment)
  • Can orally spell 4 letter words immediately and 5 letter words after five tries, something he could never do before.
  • Grew 2.5 inches after 3 months' treatment.

Overall I felt he was like a flower blooming in front of my eyes. This was the change I had been dreaming for and never dared to hope for. But when I compared his improvements with the other children, I felt his improvements were not as fast as some of the other children under the BEP intensive treatment. So, I put him in another BEP intensive treatment program (10/27/04 to 2/16/05). Again, there are some amazing changes:

  • Speech
    His spontaneous speech seemed to condense from sentences to words for the first two months, but the words better described the situation. After two months, he returned to using sentences with more sophistication than before.
  • Behavior
    He refuses to be treated like a special child, following orders without reasoning. He requires all the reasons, timing and schedule behind all activities.
  • Social language
    Improved from nothing to a 3 year old level.
  • Reading/language skill
    Exited 3rd grade level. He has ability to start 4th grade level.
  • Reading comprehension
    Exited 5 year old level. Starting at 6 year old level.
  • Math
    His math comprehension exited from the old level, where he stayed fours at the same level, to the next level. He can do straight calculation questions, which can be multiple numbers, but he cannot do questions requiring two steps nor can he choose several numbers out of list of numbers. I guess this is caused by his poor (but improving) reading comprehension level.
  • Environment and people
    He is more aware of his surroundings and the people around him. He is sensitive and, sadly, gets hurt easily by bullies and people's ignorance.
  • Old memories
    When he encounters an event or item now that he had run into several years ago, he can relate the current encounter with the historical one.

Everything looks rosy from an outside point of view. But in fact, I face tremendous challenges because he is already 17 years old and has a set of routines and habits developed based on his low level of capabilities. Although he has a greater ability, he has hard time accepting some of the changes:

  • Why is it not good enough now but it was excellent before?
  • Why does he need to do more homework and more difficult homework than before?
  • Why does he have to behave like a normal person now when he did not need to before?
  • He refuses the award system, preferring to do what he likes.
  • He wakes up at midnight to watch TV knowing his parents are asleep and cannot stop him.
  • He has some old memories buried in some place with his own incorrect interpretation. We had fights over them.
  • He wants to go to college like other people but he is not working hard enough to reach the goal.
  • He refuses to do homework until mom starts to yell.
  • Every time mom asks him to do something he dilly dallies and comes up with tons of reasons for not doing what is asked.

Very often I feel very frustrated and unsure how to handle him. I need some kind of a guideline on how to deal with this new young man. Right now, I treat him as a 6 year old boy with an unsuitable age level memory (like a buried bomb). I feel exhausted dealing with him! I have been using the following two methods to work with him, and my son seems reasonable so far.

    -  Listen carefully to what the young adult has to say.

    It requires tremendous effort and patience to get the young adult to talk about what he/she really wants because it is a new skill for him/her to express properly. In addition, the parents need to read between the lines. In this way, the parents may learn that the young adult has some misinterpretation of the old memories that have just surfaced and the parents, reading between the lines, can now help the young adult with what he/she really needs or wants.

    -  Give the young adult the facts of why he/she has to do things in certain way.

    If the young adult does not agree, tell him/her of the consequences in the real environment. If the young adult still insists on doing his/her way then let him/her learn the real consequences. Do not shield him/her from the damage, unless, of course, the consequences may injure someone. Learning the hard way, under the protection of the parents, might be the only way for him/her to learn. This scheme is much better than what he/she might encounter without the parent's guidance and protection.

Although I have to face many challenges arising from the miracles of BEP, I am still very happy to see my son have the promise of a new and better life!