5. To Probing into the various treatments.
The defect of the research organizations. Where medicines come from. About brain neuron networks, neuron pathways and integration. To probe into the various of treatments.
6. About behavioral therapy. My amazing experience of the 2nd day treatment.
About behavioral therapy. Brain function could be enhanced if without any impairments... Absurd sought for various doctors. Needed to go for the right direction to ask help... Failure experience, credited a pathway needs to enhance the blood circulation, set up a specific wave frequencies, and integration.... the miracle I experienced the very next day.
7. Awareness
Talked about his awaken experience. Confronting autistic children in Taiwan. Long term memory is accessed, what ever you did for your child, its worth it.
8. ADD/ADHD, Introducing BEP-1 progress.
Consultants background. The caused of ADD syndromes, Brain lack of energy. About the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nerve systems. Mind is controlled by endocrine system How medicine has controlled ADHD syndromes.
9. ADD and medication Comprehension
About the sympathetic, the parasympathetic never systems and ADHD. Parent experienced the medication effects. Autism is not caused by a single union affection. It's really a person to person. Comprehension has approved, it increased his maturity. Comprehension and attention have improved; they broke through their learning difficulty. The greatest mother of BEP#04011.
11. Broke through the comprehension and HP-1 heating bag.
BEP helps with increasing comprehension ability. How HP-1 heating bag helps. Client talked about how she improved in her attention span, and hearing function has healed. The early the best. Parent went back to school, client was ready to go!
12. About high functional autism
Rain Man enormous memory , Dr. Granden very intelligent woman. About high functional autism communication, and independent life skills.