Case Study
William Partridge/ Brain Enhancement Program Consultant
To assess the progress of each child for Brain Enhancement Program, I use two different assessment tools. For the baseline and final assessment I use the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist developed by the Autism Research Institute. The checklist is different from other assessments due to the fact that is not used to diagnose autism but rather to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular treatment.
The Checklist gives a numerical score for four different areas of importance. There areas are Communication, Cognitive Awareness, Social Interaction and Behavior. The other assessment tool I use is the Assessment of Basic Learning and Language Skills. This is the only assessment designed to pinpoint specific learning skills, for children with Autism or language delays. The areas that I cover with this assessment are Communication, Language, Social Skills, Play Skills, Social Interaction Skills and Behavior. While the ABLLS does not five a numerical rating it gives the most critical skills to focus on.
January 1995 - Present |
Partridge Consulting
Provide assessment and IEP development and intense individualized programs, utilizing a discrete trail format with language training developed at Behavior Analysis INC.
STARS School, for children with severe language delays aged 2 to 10 years of age.
Currently providing services for autistic children, as the ABA Consultant in the Alum Rock, Evergreen, Mt. Pleasant and Moreland School Districts. Also provided programs administered through the San Andreas Regional Center, Pediatric Therapy Services and the Association of Behavior Consultants.
June 1997 - December 1982 |
County Office of Education Santa Clara county.
First starting substitute teaching at Chanler - Tripp School for the physical handicapped.
The permanent substitute at C.W. Williams. (the school that served the County Children Shelter)
August 1992 - December 1999 |
Behavior Analysis Inc. STARS school /Education Consultant.
Training of staff and the development and on going monitoring of individualized student programs.
Training for both Alameda and San Juaquin SELP's on teaching children with language delays as well as trainings on the Functional Analysis of Behavior.
Education Background: |
1982 M. A. University of California, Berkeley
1976 Education California State University, San Jose
1975 B.A. University of California. Berkeley
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Tiffani Hutchens/Brain Enhancement Program Consultant
To assess the progress of students participating in the Brain Enrichment Program, I used various academic and social assessments. Standardized academic assessments included the WIAT and the Woodcock-Johnson Revised. Informal academic assessments included Informal Reading Inventories and progress based on individualized academic goals and objectives. Social assessments included informal parent and teacher checklists for each student.
The Brain Enhancement Program is intended to stimulate and activate parts of the brain which were once dormant. Therefore, the treatment is intended to improve a student's potential to learn and retain additional information. It is important to understand that each student continues to need stimulation and input from their environment to improve academic achievement and reach their potential. Each student involved in the program progressed at his / her own rate, as seen in the individualized progress reports.
August 2001 - Present |
Present Harvest Park Middle School, Pleasanton CA
I teach a class for students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades with specific learning disabilities and autism.
I teach in a self-contained classroom five periods per day and supervise students in mainstream class' tree periods per day.
As case manager, I assess students, write team driven I.E.P. s, and implement academic, behavioral, and social goals and objectives for each student.
August 1999 - 2001 |
Vintage Hills Elementary School, Pleasanton, CA
I taught the Language Acquisition and Social Skills III Class (L.A.S.S. III) for two school years. This was a class for students with autism spectrum disorders in first through fifth grade.
As case manager, I assessed students, wrote team driven I.E.P. s, and implemented academic, behavioral, and social goals for each student. In several cases, I facilitated the communication between home and school programs for students receiving outside support services.
August 1996 - 1999 |
East Memorial Elementary School, Greeley, CO
I taught students with special needs in a full inclusion setting. The students in the program were in third through fifth grade with students in small groups in the general education classrooms.
As case manager, I assessed students, wrote team driven I.E.P.s, implemented programs, and modified curriculum for students.
Education Background: |
2004 California State University, Hayward
Level II Special Education Clear Credential. Emphasis:
Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems
1997 M.A.University of Northern Colorado Special Education:
Severe Needs, Cognitive K - 12 English major, Special Education Minor, Elementary Education Related Experiences
1995 - 1996 Special Education Aide, Greeley, CO
1995 - 1996 Care Provider for Adults with developmental disabilities Greeley, CO
1995 - 1996 Best Buddies Coordinator, Greeley, CO
1991 - 1995 Special Olympics Track and Field Coach, Greeley, CO
1989 - 1992 Summer Special Rec. Camp Counselor, N. Aurora, IL
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